Why choose Longdat Company as Vietnam plywood supplier?




Why do customers choose us as main supplier of Vietnam plywood? What makes Longdat company has best priority? Please have a look at the following articles

1. Introduction of Vietnam plywood from Longdat

Nowadays, Vietnam plywood is a very popular product on the market, because of good quality and competitive price. With 12 years of experience, we have experienced the ups and downs of Vietnam's wood industry and global plywood market.

We have been exploiting the strengths of raw materials, labor, ... to produce the most competitive products.

Why choose Longdat Company as Vietnam plywood supplier?

2. Advantages of Longdat plywood

What are the advantages of importing Vietnam plywood from Longdat Company? Please refer to the following information.

2.1 Vietnam plywood from us is always ensured quality

Longdat is a supplier with long experience in import-export. We have advanced production lines that is helpful in assuring the quality. Besides, our workers are very hard-working, fast learning. That’s why we can maintain stability for whole production system.

Plywood from in Longdat is always checked according to certain regulations before exporting. In addition, we always maintain communication with customers about the requirements and purposes of use, so that we can make appropriate technical adjustments to help customers optimize production in the process.

Why choose Longdat Company as Vietnam plywood supplier?

2.2 Longdat is available with big orders

Longdat has 2.5-hectar mill, with modern machinery, advanced production lines and huge material resources. So it is always ready to supply big orders. In Vietnam, there’re not a lot of supplier who can match with this point.

We also build a partner network, including 40-50 partners, stretching from Northern to Southern of Vietnam. This network helps us diversify all products related to industrial wood panels and boards. Cooperation is based on win-win, not only achieving mutual benefits of the whole industry but also giving partners many new business opportunities.

2.3 Vietnam plywood has competitive price in the market

The price of Vietnam plywood produced by Long Dat is always competitive in the market. We have cheap material sources, lower labor costs and better production lines. All of these accumulators have been compiled by us in the article: WHY IS THE VIETNNAM PLYWOOD PRICE CHEAPER THAN IN OTHER COUNTRIES?.

Why choose Longdat Company as Vietnam plywood supplier?

2.4 Convenient transportation system

Nowadays, transportation system in Vietnam is much better for moving cargoes. Government built many highways. The other roads are also improved so that all trucks can move and transport faster and faster.
Besides, Vietnam is in a convenient location in world map. So the the import-export industry, including exported wood, always has great advantages. Vietnam is also a target country of many shipping lines to locate and expand international shipping services.

2.5 Comfortable sales services from us

Longdat always puts the interests of customers first, so we always apply the best policies for customers:

- The best consulting product with actual purposes
- The most reasonable quotation to create advantages for customers
- Fast and exact schedule and documents, handle any problems that arise during the shipping process.
- Commission policy and attractive incentives
- Sharing information about market, competitors and chances,…

Therefore, don’t hesitate to contact Longdat when you looking for plywood supplier.

Why choose Longdat Company as Vietnam plywood supplier?

The above is the answers of the question “Why choose Longdat Company as Vietnam plywood supplier?”. We hope to help you get additional information and peace of mind when ordering plywood and other products.

You can refer to all products from Longdat directly on the website longdat.com

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